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Decompiling Functions

Add your function in a .sym file in the Symbols folder, in this format:


Note that the base of ADDRESS is at 0x00100000

STATUS can be 4 things:

  • O: OK
    • The function is matching
  • m: Minor problems
    • The function is mismatching with the same size as the original
  • M: Major problems
    • The function is mismatching with a different size than the original
  • U: Undecompiled
    • The function is not defined

You don't have to input STATUS manually, 'Tools/' will automatically rank it for you, so just use 'U' when adding new functions.

Your function should now be placed in a .cpp file that is equivalent to the symbol file path, e.g. 'Path/To/Object.sym' → 'Path/To/Object.cpp'

Once you have the function, build the project and run the 'Tools/' script with your symbol to find any mismatching problems. If you are done with the function, run the check script.

If your function is not marked as OK, add 'NON_MATCHING' as a qualifier to the function (e.g. 'NON_MATCHING void abc() { }' and explain which part of the function is mismatching in a comment, if you can.

(note: if you add a .cpp file, you will have to modify/touch the CMakeLists.txt file for it to compile the new .cpp file)

decomp/decompiling.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/30 14:41 by fruityloops