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Known Problems
Toolchain Problems
- The exact version of ARMCC used to compile the game is unknown, so version 4.1 build 713/894/1049 are used since they are the most accurate.
- The compiler flags used to compile the game may not be fully correct.
- Constructors in which 2 int-sized members are being initialized to different values (including vtables) will mismatch, due to the compiler used splitting the 'stm' instruction into 'str' instructions. (temporary fix with #pragma O3)
Example (_ZN2al13NerveExecutorC1EPKc):
17b194: ldr r1, [pc, #8] ; 0x17b1a4 | 17b194: ldr r1, [pc, #0xc] ; 0x17b1a8 > 17b198: str r1, [r0] 17b198: mov r2, #0 r 17b19c: mov r1, #0 17b19c: stm r0, {r1, r2} | 17b1a0: str r1, [r0, #4] 17b1a0: bx lr 17b1a4: bx lr
- Some while/for loops with if statements inside them will have 'nop' instructions right before the conditional jump instruction, which are not generated by the used compiler.
Example (_ZN16alSensorFunction20findSensorTypeByNameEPKc):
7820c: bl 192308 ~> 7820c: bl 192308 ~> 78210: cmp r0, #0 78210: cmp r0, #0 78214: nop {0} < 78218: beq 78228 ~> 78214: beq 78224 ~> 7821c: add r0, r5, r4, lsl #3 r 78218: add r0, r8, r4, lsl #3 78220: ldr r7, [r0, #4] | 7821c: ldrb r6, [r0, #4] 78224: b 78234 ~> 78220: b 78230 ~> 78228: ~> add r4, r4, #1 78224: ~> add r4, r4, #1
- Some constructors initialize members in a non-linear order/twice, the used compiler will remove any initializers that happen twice, and will order the initializers by the order they are defined in.
decomp/problems.1671728772.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/22 17:06 by fruityloops