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Known Problems

Toolchain Problems

  • The exact version of ARMCC used to compile the game is unknown, so version 4.1 build 713/894/1049 are used since they are the most accurate.
  • The compiler flags used to compile the game may not be fully correct.
  • The decompilation uses the devkitPro linker, since older armlink versions seem to have a time bomb in them, which is problematic due to the linker having its own special way of inlining, and the devkitPro linker not being able to link with the Rogue Wave C++ standard library.
  • Constructors in which 2 int-sized members are being initialized to different values (including vtables) will mismatch, due to the compiler used splitting the 'stm' instruction into 'str' instructions. (temporary fix with #pragma O3)

Example (_ZN2al13NerveExecutorC1EPKc):

17b194:    ldr     r1, [pc, #8]  ; 0x17b1a4       |      17b194:    ldr     r1, [pc, #0xc]  ; 0x17b1a8
                                                  >      17b198:    str     r1, [r0]                
17b198:    mov     r2, #0                         r      17b19c:    mov     r1, #0                  
17b19c:    stm     r0, {r1, r2}                   |      17b1a0:    str     r1, [r0, #4]            
17b1a0:    bx      lr                                    17b1a4:    bx      lr 
  • Some while/for loops with if statements inside them will have 'nop' instructions right before the conditional jump instruction, which are not generated by the used compiler.

Example (_ZN16alSensorFunction20findSensorTypeByNameEPKc):

7820c:    bl      192308 ~>                              7820c:    bl      192308 ~>                
78210:    cmp     r0, #0                                 78210:    cmp     r0, #0                   
78214:    nop     {0}                             <                                                 
78218:    beq     78228 ~>                               78214:    beq     78224 ~>                 
7821c:    add     r0, r5, r4, lsl #3              r      78218:    add     r0, r8, r4, lsl #3       
78220:    ldr     r7, [r0, #4]                    |      7821c:    ldrb    r6, [r0, #4]             
78224:    b       78234 ~>                               78220:    b       78230 ~>                 
78228: ~> add     r4, r4, #1                             78224: ~> add     r4, r4, #1
  • Some constructors initialize members in a non-linear order/twice, the used compiler will remove any initializers that happen twice, and will order the initializers by the order they are defined in.
decomp/problems.1666357305.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/21 13:01 by fruityloops