Table of Contents


DebugData contains leftover files from development that mostly used to serve debug menus used by the developers.

Super Mario 3D Land

Retrieved from ObjectData/ResourceSystem.szs/ResourceCategoryTable.byml. 1)

The byml does not include file extensions, but it can be inferred as every other file listed in it are .szs.

Photos with Mario

These files are present in the romfs:

Super Mario 3D World

Retrieved from SystemData/ResourceSystem.szs/ResourceCategoryTable.byml. 2)

The byml does not include file extensions, but it can be inferred as every other file listed in it are .szs.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Retrieved from SystemData/ResourceSystem.szs/ResourceCategoryTable.byml. 3)

The byml does not include file extensions, but it can be inferred as every other file listed in it are .szs.

Super Mario Odyssey

Retrieved from SystemData/ResourceSystem.szs/ResourceCategoryTable.byml.

The byml does not include file extensions, but it can be inferred as every other file listed in it are .szs.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (3DS Port)

These files are present in the romfs:

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Switch Port)

These files are present in the romfs:

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury

These files are present in the romfs:

same for E3 Demo, Kiosk Demo
same for Wii U Kiosk Demo
same for Kiosk Demo, except the file is called ShopTrialResourceSystem.szs